Waltham St Lawrence and Shurlock Row Parish Website


A funeral service marks the passing of a life.

Some deaths bring sought-after release, others are especially traumatic, distressing or unexpected.

Funerals generate many, many emotions, rekindle memories, and remind us of the fragility of life,
and can 
help us to make sense of life and death.

Our Priest-in-Charge will visit the family to help start all the arrangements.

Funeral services can take place in the parish Church, followed by a burial or by a short service at the appropriate crematorium. Alternatively, the burial or cremation can take place first and be followed by a memorial service in church.

Burials or interment of ashes are usually in the Burial Ground on Halls Lane, which is run by the Parish Council.  You can look in the Parish Council pages on this site for the relevant parish councillor to contact.

Your funeral director will help ensure there is as little as possible for the family to worry about.

Please call or email if you would like to speak with someone about a funeral and how we can help.

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