We have all kinds of services in our Church. Please check the service calendar for the monthly pattern
Come to the ones where you are most comfortable!
Book of Common Prayer
- Traditional
- Every Sunday 8:45am Holy Communion
- 1st Sunday at 6pm Choral Evensong
Parish Communion
- Modern C of E Common Worship Service
- Communion with Sunday Club for children
- 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10am
Morning Worship
- Modern C of E Common Worship Service
- Non-Communion shorter service with Sunday Club for children
- 3rd Sunday at 10:30am - after St Lawrence Cafe
All Age Service
- A service for all ages with junior choir singing, often with a baptism
- 1st Sunday 10am
- Every Thursday 10 - 11.30am-(term time)
- for babies, toddlers, parents, carers, grandparents
- and others who also like coffee and cake
Messy Church
- On hold at the moment.
- If anyone is interested in being involved with childrens activities at the churhc do contact the churchwardens
St Lawrence Cafe
- For the whole community
- Free breakfast in the Neville Hall (donations invited)
- Every third Sunday of the month at 9.15am