Waltham St Lawrence and Shurlock Row Parish Website

For additional info please also see our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/wslchurch/
Any errors or omissions please contact the webmaster: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Also please contact Simon if you would like to receive this calendar in the email every month.

At WSL Church there is a said (BCP) Holy Communion service every Sunday at 8.45am
and our main service in church at 10am (or 10.30 on 3rd "Cafe" Sundays).

Shottesbrooke Church has Holy Communion every 1st Sunday at 8:45am and Morning Prayer every 3rd Sunday at 8:45am.

A monthly online service is held via Zoom at 6pm on third Sundays;

Details are circulated via this wsl.link website, and the email list This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (and on the WSL.Link Facebook group). 
To subscribe to the email list (usually one or two messages per week), send an email to that address with a subject line “subscribe”.  


August 2024 

There are no services at Shottesbrooke church during August.  WSL choirs are on holiday in August, but we have volunteers for a Sung Evensong on 4th Aug.

Date / Festival Time Service Sidesmen etc

4th Aug


All Age Service with Phil Watts

Bertie G-S

Trinity 10


Hymns: HON 76, 423, 336

Reading: Matthew 7.24-28 Bertie G-S




Sung Evensong with Thomas Henley

Rob L



Hymns: AMNS 7, 17, 372, 6 Ps 88

Resp: Ferial                  Setting: Chants

Anthem: St Richard's Prayer – L'Estrange (RSCM-SAB)

Reading: Ecclesiasticus 42.15-25 Tony B

Reading: Hebrews 11.17-31 Pat W

Int: Rob L

10th Aug


St Lawrence's Day - our Patronal Festival


11th Aug


Holy Communion (BCP) with Graham Theobald

Rob L

Trinity 11


Parish Communion

Ann-Marie McE



Hymns: AMNS 125, 200, 184, 195

Reading: Psalm 130 David C-B

Reading: John 6.35, 41-51 Rosemary McG

Int: Linda S

Svr: David C-B



Church Teas - celebrating St Lawrence


18th Aug


St Lawrence Cafe (Neville Hall)


Trinity 12


Parish Communion (shorter form) with Phil Watts

Camilla B



Hymns: HON 270, 69, 193

Reading: John 12.1-8 Rupert McG

Int: Anna A

Svr: Andy H



Church Teas




Evening Worship online




Reading: Exodus 2.23-3.10 Christopher K

Int: Christopher K

25th Aug


Holy Communion (BCP) with Graham Theobald

Sue B

Trinity 13


Parish Communion with Graham Theobald

John & Ann S



Hymns: AMNS 122, 201, 256, 234

Reading: 1 Kings 8.22-30,41-43 Peter S

Reading: John 6.56-69 John S

Int: Roger H

Svr: Linda S

1st Sept


Holy Communion (BCP with hymns) at Shottesbrooke


Trinity 14


All Age Service



Choral Evensong



September 2024

Date / Festival Time Service Sidesmen etc

1st Sep
Trinity 14


Holy Communion (BCP, hymns) Shottesbrooke
with Graham Theobald




Reading: Hebrews 2.14-18 Jacquie H

Reading: Luke 2.22-40 Martha H




All Age Service with Baptism with Graham Theobald

Fiona P



Hymns: HON 337, 63, 325

Reading: John 9.1-12,18-25 Junior Reader




Choral Evensong with Thomas Henley

David C-B



Hymns: AMNS 9, 107, 123, 6 Ps119.1-16

Setting: Stanford in B flat

Anthem: Locus Iste - Bruckner (NCA)

Reading: Exodus 12.21-27 Pat W

Reading: Matthew 4.23-5.20 Tony B

Int: Chris W

8th Sep


Holy Communion (BCP) with Graham Theobald

Angela S

Trinity 15


Parish Communion with Graham Theobald




Hymns: AMNS 146, 247(ii), 285, 365(t175)

Anthem: Lord for thy tender mercy's sake - Hilton (NCA)

Reading: Psalm 125 Peter S

Reading: Mark 7.24-37 Bertie G-S

Int: Fiona P

Svr: Bertie G-S

15th Sep
Trinity 16


Morning Prayer (BCP, hymns) Shottesbrooke
with Graham Theobald




Reading: Galatians 3.23-29 Simon Smith

Reading: Luke 8.26-39 Vikki B




St Lawrence Cafe (Neville Hall)




Parish Communion (Shorter) with Graham Theobald

Camilla B



Hymns: HON 328, 342, 81a

Anthem: God be in my head - Rutter (NCA)

Reading: Luke 8.26-39 Prue W

Int: Linda S

Svr: Andy H



Evening Worship online see wsl.link for Zoom details




Reading: Matthew 7.1-14 Simon Shaw

Int: Rob L

22nd Sep


Holy Communion (BCP) with Graham Theobald

Rob L

Trinity 17


Parish Communion with Graham Theobald

Bertie G-S



Hymns: AMNS 251, 367, 273, 131

Anthem: The Call - Beer (SAB)

Reading: James 3.13-4.3,7-8a David C-B

Reading: Mark 9.30-37 Juanita T

Int: Anna A

Svr: David C-B

29th Sep


Holy Communion (BCP)

Rob L

Trinity 18


Matins with Andy Ferguson

Ann-Marie McE



Hymns: AMNS 144, 464, 60(om4)

Setting: Venite(22), Te Deum(Oakeley), Benedictus(29)

Anthem: Holy is the true light - Harris (NCA)

Reading: Genesis 28.10-17 Rupert McG

Reading: Revelation 12.7-12 Rosemary McG

Int: Chris W


Latest info, and looking further ahead...

The Services Planner is an online sheet with draft service information for up to three months ahead.

It can be viewed here:  Services Planner

On a mobile device it is best viewed using the Google Sheets app.

Those responsible for the various rotas etc. can edit it - if you do a duty swap please inform the person responsible so it can be kept up to date.

Service info and clergy cover - Fiona P
Sidesmen - Andrew C or David C-B
Readings and Readers - Ann S
Intercessions - Chris W
Servers and Music - Simon S