Church News
Parish Church of Waltham St Lawrence
Our friendly and active village church community has a strong musical & choral tradition, enthusiastically supported by congregation and clergy.
Due to retirement, we are looking for an Organist to work with our Music Director to continue building our musical capabilities in support of worship.
Fine ‘Father’ Willis 2-manual organ, well maintained.
Robed SATB choir (and Junior Choir, run separately), supplemented by visiting singers for monthly Choral Evensong and twice-yearly cathedral visits.
Musical and worship style is mainstream/traditional, with opportunities to broaden range of music, and be involved in youth music, concerts, our annual Choral Festival etc.
Duties: to play for Thursday choir practice, for one Sunday service (CW Communion, or Morning Worship, or BCP Choral Evensong), and occasional festivals (Ash Weds, Ascension Day, Harvest, Christingle, Carols etc).
Weddings and Funerals in addition (fees apply).
For further information please contact the vicar:
Revd Nnamdi Maduka – Tel: 01189 977988 – Email:
Here below is the church's Annual Report, which will be presented at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting which will be held on 28th April at 11:45am after the morning service.
We hope as many as possible of those who are on the Waltham St Lawrence and Shottesbrooke church electoral rolls will attend, as this shortish meeting includes the election of churchwardens and PCC members and other important business, and is an opportunity to ask any questions of the officers.
Earlier that morning we also have the Archdeacon of Berkshire, Ven. Stephen Pullin, taking our 10am morning service, so please come if you can. The Archdeacon is a key person in our search for a new vicar at WSL and Shottesbrooke.
Services in Church and Online
for full information see the current Service Calendar
WSL Church 2nd, 4th, & 5th Sunday: 8:45am Holy Communion (trad. language).
Shottesbrooke church 8:45am Holy Communion (1st Sunday) and Morning Prayer (3rd Sunday).
Main service at WSL at 10am held in church
or 10.30am on third Sunday,
after St Lawrence Cafe at 9:15am
- also -
Monthly online Evening Service
Third Sundays at 6pm
On third Sundays at 6pm, lasting about 45 mins, with reading, prayers, music & hymns, and sermon
Zoom Link
For more details of services, see the Service Calendar or watch this space
or subscribe to the church news email list
by sending a blank email to
And please give us any comments you have via
This parish is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of the children and people of all ages in our church community.
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (updated 2024)
This is published below - and must be adhered to by all Church workers.
If you need to contact someone regarding safeguarding or child protection, please contact
Parish Safeguarding Officer: Anne-Marie McEvett - 07967 186272 -
Also you might contact the Church of England safeguarding advisor for Berkshire, Charlotte Wilmshurst: 07443 700159
St Lawrence Church - Giving
Thank you to those who have supported our church during the pandemic, including those who have attended online services. We have continued with the upkeep and running of our beautiful church during and since the initial lockdowns. Our costs did not change very much, but opportunities for taking a collection have been very limited, and our usual fundraising events difficult to organise. So like many others, we have suffered a financial shortfall.
If you would like to make a donation to support the upkeep of our church, and our continued work for the community, please click on this online giving link;
or if you prefer, a bank transfer can be made to Waltham St. Lawrence Parochial Church Council. Sort code: 20-78-58 Account no: 70921378.