Waltham St Lawrence and Shurlock Row Parish Website

Waltham St Lawrence Charities

Further Education Grants for 2023-24


The Waltham St Lawrence Charities will again this year be offering grants for further education.   The Trustees wish to repeat that these grants are intended only for those who can demonstrate real need. Every application must accordingly be accompanied by a written explanation by the applicant as to why their particular circumstances justify their receiving a grant.


Application forms can be obtained from:


Chairman of Trustees, Rob Lyman, Morland House, Hungerford Lane, Berkshire RG10 0NY.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Telephone: 07734 544 415.


Applications for the 2023-24 academic year, together with the written justification mentioned above, must be submitted by 31 August 2023 at the latest.

As in previous years, the grants will be available only to people who are resident in the Parish of Waltham St Lawrence, have left school and are in, or soon to be in, further education or training.


Before a grant is paid a letter of acceptance from the university (or equivalent) will be required or, where the applicant is part of the way through a course, confirmation from the university (or equivalent) that the applicant has passed all relevant exams and is still on the course.
